Brad Jarvis
Presiding Commissioner

Fritz Hegeman

Gary Baumann
West District westdistrict@andrewcountymo.gov
P.O. Box 206
Savannah, MO 64485
Phone: 816-324-5716 Ext 4, Option 2
Fax: 816-324-6154
Commissioners meet on Monday and Thursday each week.
The duties of the commission are to oversee all aspects of county government. To the extent that the Missouri Statutes allows, the commission sets policies for the county.
Approves the budgets of all the offices in the county as well as Road & Bridge Fund.
The maintenance and repair of the county’s road and bridges is the responsibility of the commission to oversee.
The Andrew County Commission directly oversees and/or works with the following departments:
Road & Bridge
Health Department
Emergency Management
County Maintenance
Andrew County 911
Cemetery Information
Andrew County has no zoning ordinances in the county. There may be some zoning issues in the incorporated areas (cities) of the county but none in the county. Thus the lack of zoning in Andrew County also dictates that the County has no authority to issue building permits or occupancy permits